The Knight’s Tale (The Canterbury Tales)

Palamon and Arcite are both cousins and knights. They were captured and imprisoned by the duke after being found unconscious by Theseus, the duke of Athens, after his battle against Creon of Thebes. They were shut up in a cell in the tower of Theseus’ castle of which a small window overlooking the palace garden is the only contact for them to the outer world. Through this window Palamon encounters Theseus’ sister-in-law Emelye for the first time. It happened on an early morning in the month of May, Palamon awakens and catches sight of the beautiful Emiliye picking flowers in … Continue reading The Knight’s Tale (The Canterbury Tales)

What are some of the stories in The Canterbury Tales?

“The Canterbury Tales” includes stories like the “Knight’s Tale” covering a love rivalry between two royal cousins, the “Miller’s Tale,” involving Nicola’s deceptive love affair, the “Wife of Bath’s Tale,” with a knight learning women’s desires from an ancient lady; the “Pardoner’s Tale,” reflecting three men’s fatal greed, and the “Nun’s Priest’s Tale,” tracking a rooster’s tricky escape from a fox. Continue reading What are some of the stories in The Canterbury Tales?

Canterbury Tales by Chaucer

“The Canterbury Tales”, a collection by 14th-century English poet Geoffrey Chaucer, follows pilgrims journeying to Saint Thomas Becket’s shrine, agreeing to tell stories along the way. The tales, spanning various genres and subjects, reflect both the human condition and medieval England’s societal conditions, offering diverse, unfinished tales that embody the storytellers’ different voices and perspectives. They highlight Chaucer’s literary mastery and creativity. Continue reading Canterbury Tales by Chaucer